Monday 6 March 2017

An exceptionally well researched , well written book ,"What to say when you talk to yourself ' was written and published in 1982 by Shad Helmstetter  .

An eye ,ear and mouth opener, it opened my  mind as to how ingeniously we learn to self defeat ourselves .Thanks to  ingenious well wishers like parents,siblings ,friends ,teachers ,relatives neighbors,bosses and strangers ; by the age of eighteen years 80 % of the people are afraid of drawing,singing ,learning anything new and public speaking . We have heard on average 1,48,000 times a 'NO'.You are too young,too stupid ,inadequate ,cannot draw and will not amount to anything .Too fat ,too slim, too short ,too tall,mentally retarded .Look at him /her .Three people who were considered ' unfit for education ' were Dr.Albert Einstein.Dr.Albert Schweitzer and Thomas Alva Edison .

Failure of any sort is criticized .The weak bow down slowly, gradually and steadily.Only the strong 20 % go ahead and become successful despite failures .
Our dreams are then very successfully buried deep in the ground with a heavy stone slab on it and many of us sitting on them including our ingenious well wishers , lest the dreams  awaken  and arise.  .
We have many sayings ,aphorisms which advice us to work hard and be happy with what we achieve.Quite fine .Probably said by a defeated person or a rich man wanting to exploit fellow human beings .
Analyzing successful people it has been found that they have an excellent self image .There very inner dialogue is positive .They see,hear and feel positive .
More like seeing a half glass full or half glass empty .

To illustrate this about one and a half years back in 2015 ,I very distinctly remember an incident where four of us doctors had gone to a way out restaurant in a car at night .It was about 8.00 p.m. and very quite .Just as the doctor who was driving the car parked it under a tree ,he immediately reversed it and parked it a few feet away .His explanation was that a swallow might shit on the car roof .
I blew up instantaneously though I kept quite .
At eight o' cock in the night  in a place away from the city which sparrow ,for they are very rarely seen will shit on his car only .As if it was waiting for him to park in that desolate place .

The ' Secret ' to success is to work on your self talk and self image .Much before the ' Secret ' movie and book came out this has already been mentioned in the ' Bhagwad Geeta.'
It is a sin to think poorly of yourself as well make others believe that there are inferior .
Inspiring others as well as yourself to unleash your giant potential is the most pious thing that you can ever do .
And this is exactly the purpose of creating this blog .This is the main work an individual has to do throughout life .Rest of your achievements follow this basic work.
Since the past eleven  years this the only thing I have been doing continuously everyday and every moment .Before writing and talking I convert a word into a positive one should a negative one arise .

Dr. Chandrashekhar Ranade,
7-03-2017/Tuesday .

1 comment:

  1. superb doctor..

    example from Bhagwad Gita is an apt one.

    I agree with your insights
