Friday 31 March 2017

                                                          How to Study Medical subjects .

A question most frequently asked  is how to study .My only answer is ," Like this ' !
Sitting at a large table and on a chair at a comfortable height , well lighted , well ventilated and well cooled with books spread out and with paper ,sketch pens and your imagination .

1.Speed reading technique at the front , First make mind maps of the contents .You will get a good idea of  the positions to be read .

2.Write the date when you would like to complete a certain chapter or a book .

3.Find out the chapter headings , main headings ,subheadings as well the key images .They would be diagrams, tables ,charts,graphs and photos.

4.Always have  Mind maps of the basic concepts .Specially in Anatomy , Physiology and Bio-chemistry .These will help you learn the basic concepts in Pathology, Pharmacology and Micro-biology .These will help you understand basic concepts in Final year subjects like General Medicine, General surgery ,Obstetrics and Gynecology .Plus the minor subjects .
Having an idea of your basic anatomy is essential .

5.Make a file and preserve these mind maps .Get them scanned and documented in a computer ,At teh same time make giant Mind maps and put them on the walls .

6. Make Revision mind maps as often as possible .

Have Fun !

Monday 27 March 2017


                                Mind mapping my way to success

The year 2010 was the year which showed me the way to success .After reading Brian Tracy's book Goals I write my goals for the year 2010 in the first week on January .One of then was to make a hundred mind maps and another was to learn how to do a power point presentation .We never had computers in school nor in college .

Interestingly after I wrote my goals and made extensive plans to achieve them ,in 6 months only I completed a 100 mind maps besides attending a workshop by an internationally acclaimed mind map trainer  Dharmendra Rai in Mumbai .He is Mumbai's first mind map trainer and has done the maximum number of workshops in India .
From Mind mapping I moved on to Accelerated Learning for the 21 st. century .

I went on doing power point presentations because after the workshop I did one on Mind mapping .This was appreciated by all as it had only pictures and nothing written except for captions .You will find a PPt. on slide share titled Mind mapping ,final .

One fine day after I had finished an operation my staff told me that your photograph has come in today's newspaper. I was very confused and could not understand as I was still concentrating on writing the post operative instructions for the patient.
Later when I went down to the office I saw the newspaper in Gujarati with this article and  my photograph .At that moment I knew that this is going to be my future .The title translated into English means ' For providing information use pictures instead of words .

ALL because of writing my  goals specially  learning Mind mapping .

Dr. Chandrashekhar Ranade.
India's Foremost Mind Mapper 

                                                                     The Brain

Recent research by neuroscientists has revealed that the Two brain halves work somewhat differently from each other .The Left side is predominantly associated with Linearity . Language , Logic ,Lists ,Sequence ,Mathematics and Science .The Right side is associated with  Rhythm, 3 -D, Imagination ,Colour and Music .Our traditional education systems focus largely on the left side aspects keeping the right side separate .This leads to incomplete ,lop sided thinking .
Merging of both the sides of the brain leads to whole brain or Gestalt thinking .
To understand the structure of the brain from within ,look at a walnut and you will immediately understand it .
The Brain is an Organ whereas the Mind is the higher function of the Brain concerned with Speech , learning and Memory .
Mind mapping uses both the sides of the brain leading to synchronization of the brain halves thus leading to Radiant thinking.
By making a mind map ,the middle part of the brain known as Mid brain is activated which in turn activates the sensory cortex.This in turn makes us notice the various events occurring around us faster. 
The brain is more of an Image processor rather than a word processor .It understands images better than words .
Pre-historic cave man used images on the walls when language was not invented .Egyptian hieroglyphics too used pictures .Cartoons too use images .
This is how mind mapping is effective as it uses images and key words along with colour and curved line .The branching and sub branching resembles the microscopic structure of the nerve cells .

Dr. Chandrashekhar Ranade.

Friday 24 March 2017

                                                           The Speed reading book  1

One of my earlier mind maps ,I find that this is the single most subject which I have been consistently  mind mapping every year since 2010 February .This is probably since reading is  one of the most basic skills that a an individual uses, literate  or illiterate .

The natural language of the brain is in pictures . Pre -historic man made simple drawings on cave walls even before language was invented .A major part of the brain is concerned with visual representation whereas only a small part is concerned with language .
The brain is more of a Visual processor rather than a word processor .
Most of you must have discovered by now that only about 20 % of the words are relevant .In technical subjects it is more .

Tony Buzan had initial difficulties in studying .He eventually discovered that by encircling Key words and connecting with lines he could perform better .Along with his brother Barry ,they developed mind mapping .
With the techniques described you can increase your speed to THOUSAND  words per minute in 28 days or even 7 days .
You can make it to TEN THOUSAND words Effectively too.
The Mind map Organic Study Technique ( MMOST ) is a unique system of reading scientifically .

Strange to note this is never mentioned even in a medical college wherein we get to study the Anatomy and Physiology of the brain.
Now imagine what exactly will you do with the Extra time you create for yourself when you start reading Effectively your study books ,magazines.e mails,sms's and whatever you read !
This is important as it will give an impetus to practice Speed reading .

Wednesday 22 March 2017

                                                        Accelerated L-Earning for the 21 st. century 

Mind mapping is the core of Accelerated learning for the 21 st. century.
But accelerated learning is a much broader spectrum of learning how to learn in the 21 st. century .
The biggest challenge in the 21 st. century are scarcity of time ,attention and trust .
People all over the globe are looking for ways to create time ,attention and trust .

Fortunately extensive research in the past 10 -15 years in the neurosciences and the way the brain works has provided us with solutions .
There are as many as 10 intelligences that the human brain can have .
There are as many as three learning styles namely visual,auditory and kinesthetic .
There is new light on how the memory function works.So also the effect of light, environment ,aroma,group learning .
Also the effect of music ,colors ,rest,sleep, hypnosis and trance - like states ,exercise and games including video games .
I have hyphenated the word learning into L-Earning to emphasize that the eventual outcome of learning is in earning .
A degree certificate does not necessarily ensure earnings.
In fact according to Brian Tracy 98 % of the billionaires and millionaires are poorly educated and are  poor .
This means we need to focus the education on skill building rather than information hoarding which most often is forgotten conveniently after examinations .

Accelerated L-Earning is focused on Results, Results and Results !

Within every child there is a hidden Genius potential .Our purpose is to tap it .
Accelerated learning after my own experiences has been given a totally new perspective.It is the Indian perspective  where the core essence is in meditation and refining exercises as proposed by the 3 SRB i.e.3 Step Rhythmic Breathing or ' Laya Yoga ' proponents .

3SRB is scientific as it focuses on the regular breathing pattern at the universal rhythm of 12 times per minute .
The refining exercises designed by Maharishi Patanjali is focused on the refining of the balanced reactivity of the automatic nervous system lending you the necessary pause which we most often fail to have before anything which disturbs our thinking .

For more information ,next post !

Dr. Chandrashekhar Ranade ,
India's Most Admired Mind mapper .

Friday 17 March 2017

                                                                THIS is a Mind map !

When I First started mind mapping I was so excited that I approached various institutional heads about mind mapping.
I was  often asked ,"What is a mind map "?
I immediately would show them a mind map and say ," THIS is a mind map ."

I was  often told ," Oh ! We know all about Mind mapping .It is simple .What is there in it ?"
We have been doing it since school !
I would show them this mind map ,autographed by the One and only Tony Buzan
They said  ," O yes yes ! We make them just like this  .
Anything else ?
Stumped , I would ask them to show me their mind maps  for which they would take an inordinately long time to locate them .When they did locate one , they were  far from my mind maps.
And their enthusiasm level was way below that which mind mappers posses.
Surprisingly twelve out of the fourteen institutional heads were women.
I am still trying to research this .
For whom is it meant ?
Here again I am stumped .My lack of communication skill.
When I read Tony Buzan's books in 2008 -2010 ,it never occurred to me as to whom it was meant for. I realized that if I had  come across this when I was a medical student I would definitely have fared better .
When you see an apple you eat it .
You do not like a philosopher ponder over it and ask questions .
Mind mapping is for those who are looking to create extra time , energy and credit, academic, financial and social  for themselves .Interestingly most of those who ask this back out saying they do not want anything extra.
Does it work ?
Even after having quoted the numerous multi-national  companies which use mind maps they ask me this .
A mind map does not work by itself .When your brain works in creating a mind map , then a mind map is created .
I need to meet more people .

 I have searched on YouTube for mind mapping in medicine .
I do wish they First show one and then start talking about them .

Simply put :
A Mind map is a document ,
Which keeps  you in the present .
Mind mapping is an activity ,
Which unleashes your Infinite creativity ,
A mind mapper is a worker ,
Who is his own creator .

Mind mapping is Simple ,Scientific and Scintillating .
1.Simple .It is so simple that even a 6 year child can do it .There are books written by Tony Buzan on mind mapping for kids ( Three ).This is because at the age of 6 the eye-brain -hand co-ordination develops and the child is able to hold a pen and pencil.

2.Scientific .Drawing the central image helps you to focus.This activates the reticular activating system ( RAS ) in the brain which in turn activates the sensory cortex .So you are sensitized to whatever you are looking for and notice it earlier than you usually would .

3.Scintillating .Images , colour ,words and curved lines stimulate the brain which is the language of the brain .

A mind map is a document which may be compared to a city map or a route map .It is a ' Thought grabber and a great Organizer .It is often compared to a mirror as well as a multi-purpose Swiss army knife .
There is a central idea represented by an image in the center .Branching from it are other associated ideas ,each idea represented with an image and a word .Since the branches radiate ,mind mapping is also known as ' Radiant thinking .Each idea is an explosion !
The simpler the image the better .
Mind mapping has multiple benefits .
Most important is what do You want for yourself ,personally .

Goal setting is the commonest use of a mind map in business situation .

Dr. Chandrashekhar Ranade,
17-03-2017/Friday .

Saturday 11 March 2017

                                                          Dreams do come True !

1995 December .
I had written an article on the Consumer Protection Act which was published word by word in the Gujarat Medical Journal  ,though it was a four page one .It had received rave reviews .It was written with suggestions for the medical fraternity to change the medical education system and update it with the importance of training the medical students in the art and science of communication .
Little did I know then I had written my own destiny, for my life followed what I had written .

I did a course in Human Resource management (1997) to be followed by a 1 year stint ( 1999) in marketing and sales.
Much later it was followed with me taking an avid interest in Neuro Linguistic Programming ( 2000) the science of excellence in communication .
Around the same time  I cut down various activities  and focused on my private practice as a doctor .
But God has a master plan for all of us .
In 2008 a friend ,philosopher and guide Ashwanikumar Trivedi ,Guru in Time travel suggested to me to try mind mapping .Though there were plenty of books on mind mapping in the Ahmedabad Management Association (AMA ) library it took me a good six months to pick up my first one .For two years I kept on reading them intermittently , when eventually in 2010 I decided that in that year I would do a hundred mind maps .By February second week I had completed Sixty five mind maps and by 30 th. June I had done my First hundred !Some of them were mind maps of medical subjects like Anatomy and Physiology and some in my speciality i.e. E.N.T. O yes ! I would get up early at 5.00 in the morning and do some of them .
In 2013 I along with my wife Dr. Abha Ranade had an opportunity to visit the Gujarat Adani Institute of Medical Sciences( GAIMS ) ,Bhuj .A senior colleague was taking a lecture and invited us to attend it .It was an opportunity which we accepted little knowing that one day my dream of making changes in medical education was going to come true .We sat on the benches along with the undergraduate students .It was at that time I felt a strong feeling in my chest that if I were to be in that postion of our senior colleague it would be wonderful .
It was less than a  year in 2014 that I got an opportunity to join the Institute as Assistant Professor in the Department of E.N.T. Next year in 2015 I was delivering lectures in the same lecture room ,i.e. room number 5 .My dream had come true !
The 'Secret ' in action ?!
In this photograph I was sitting where you see the students sitting on the left side of the lecture hall. .
It was exactly two years later in 2015 that I was standing on that very platform where I wanted to be .
Twenty years later when I had written there should be changes in medical education I was making those very changes using Mind maps and video clippings to make learning fun .

Dr. Chandrashekhar Ranade,
11-03-2017,Saturday .